The first time I encountered Greg Hughes was on October 26, 2016. It wasn't looking good for then candidate Trump and most of the Utah GOP Leadership had withdrawn their endorsements. This was a result of a MSM hit piece. Mike Pence was having a rally in SLC. The highest ranking Republican in the state of Utah to endorse our now President Trump was Greg Hughes. He introduced Mike Pence. Mike Pence assured everyone that the election was not lost, to vote and to pray. As I left the rally there was a stack of signs that had Trump Hebert 2016 written on them. They couldn't be handed out because Herbert was scared and withdrew his endorsement. It was then I wished Greg Hughes was my Governor. Someone not afraid and wouldn't cower at the first sign of leftist opposition. Mike Pence told us to vote and pray. We did just that. Donald Trump led the Republican Party to victory and one of the biggest political surprises in human history. The next time I encountered Greg Hughes was outside of Ben McAdam's office after he voted for impeachment. The impeachment proceedings were closed and the public had no access on what McAdams was voting on. Greg Hughes was there with a bullhorn leading the protest and supporting our president. President Trump has implemented great policies not just for Utah but the whole country. So much so now in 2020 all the candidates for Governor are claiming to support him. Even ones that voted for and actively supported Evan McMullin. When Greg Hughes offered a show of unity for all the candidates to wear a MAGA hat in show of support of our President, none of them did. #UTAH4HUGHES
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