Whether it's Cox's disgusting tweets, Romney voting for impeachment of Trump twice, Aimee Winder Newton pushing Evan McMullin, or former Chairman of the Utah Democratic Party registering as a republican, It's no secret that far left in Utah works within Utah's Grand Ole Party. This time targeting one of the few conservative groups in the state the Salt Lake County GOP. It's notable because while most the establishment in the state were silent on supporting Burgess Owens for CD4, The SL County Party was one of the few to call out McAdams and his suspicious activities. Is this the establishment striking back? From Salt Lake County Chairman Scott Miller:
March 26, 2021
Dear Salt Lake County and Utah Republicans,
As many of you know, my service to you as Salt Lake County GOP Chair has been based on transparency and accountability. Our winning candidates carried this message through their successful election campaigns. We highlighted the Salt Lake County bloated budget, Mayor Wilson's 6 highly paid Deputy Mayors (Peter Carroon had 1 Deputy Mayor), heavy metal toxins in the watershed, environmental stewardship, elected officials operating behind closed doors, wildfire danger, local control, and more.
Now, months after a tremendously successful election cycle, including delivering to the residents of Salt Lake County a Republican supermajority on the County Council, certain volunteers and I are being accused of foul actions. The accusers are members of our own party. Instead of bringing their allegations directly to me and to the Salt Lake County GOP Executive Committee, calling for an independent investigation of their allegations, they take their salacious allegations to the "Democrat's political high court": the Salt Lake Tribune.
Just yesterday, I spent over 2 hours meeting with a Salt Lake Tribune editor and a writer. In that meeting, I was told of 7 women who are making allegations against one of my volunteers and me. The accusations by these women are very suspicious and it seems they have a personal and political agenda against one of my volunteers, against me, and against our policy of transparency and accountability. Also, in that meeting, Tribune writer Ms. Leia Larsan lamented that we make her job difficult due to our questioning of her prior slanted writing and motive. It is interesting to note that Ms. Larsen's editor, when he initially heard of the accusations, simply dismissed them as Jr. High antics.
The Tribune quickly alleged one of the accusers is Ms. Aimee Winder-Newton. Ms. Winder-Newton repeatedly accused us of offending her "good Republican donors", Mr. Scott Anderson (Zions Bank), and Mr. Chris McCandless. Both of her "good Republican donors" actually endorsed our Democrat opponents. One endorsed former Democrat County Mayor and then Democrat Congressman Mr. Ben McAdams in his race against now Congressman Burgess Owens. The other endorsed Salt Lake County Mayor Jenny Wilson in her successful reelection bid against Republican challenger Trent Staggs. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xzG-WgDMkBU&t=14s
In addition, Ms. Winder-Newton made salacious accusations against one of my volunteers. Upon hearing the accusations, I quickly asked for verifying proof. Ms. Winder-Newton provided none. Ms. Aimee Winder-Newton lost her bid for Governor in the 2020 primaries.
Another Tribune alleged accuser, Ms. Abby Evans, proudly stated to our County Executive Committee in a January 31, 2021 email, "It was an absolute pleasure of mine to spend the General Election undermining Dave R (Salt Lake County Communications Director)". Keep in mind, Ms. Evans was previously fired by the SLCo GOP Executive Committee and was shortly thereafter hired by the Utah GOP where she found "absolute pleasure" undermining our County Party's efforts. Fortunately, despite these concerted and possibly coordinated efforts at the State GOP, the SLCO GOP was incredibly successful.
Every candidate who followed our program to the end won their elections. When questioned how Salt Lake County Republicans had done so well, Utah GOP Chairman Derek Brown simply stated he does not know. Requests to Chairman Brown to review our election performance and for an investigation into Ms. Evans' efforts to undermine the SLCo GOP have been ignored.
Another Tribune alleged accuser, Ms. Lisa Bagley, in an email dated February 15, 2021, stated, "I haven’t had the kind of shocking interactions other Republican women have had with Dave. I will leave it to them to share those stories". So Ms. Bagley did not experience what others are alleging, but now, according to the Tribune, Ms. Bagley is an accuser. I believe Ms. Bagley lost her bid for State Representative by not embracing a disciplined and cohesive campaign proposed by the County GOP.
Tribune alleged accuser Ms. Erin Preston was a candidate for Salt Lake County Recorder. After our County Party spent hundreds of volunteer hours, thousands of dollars on yard signs and services, and endured abuse by Ms. Preston's boyfriend, it was agreed Ms. Preston will take her campaign elsewhere. Within a few days, Ms. Preston was frantically contacting the very SLCo GOP volunteer she is now accusing, requesting his immediate help with her campaign. I believe Ms. Preston lost her bid for SLCo Recorder in the 2020 general election by refusing sound advice and direction from our party volunteers.
I am told by the Tribune that Ms. Kim Coleman is an accuser. Although I communicate often and directly with Ms. Coleman, she has never raised this issue or complained to me. As far as I understand, she has long been close friends with the volunteer she is now accusing. It is interesting to note, Ms. Coleman is now working hand-in-hand with State Chairman Derek Brown, the same man whose paid employee found it an "absolute pleasure" undermining our County GOP. Ms. Kim Coleman lost her bid for US Congress in the 2020 primary.
Ms. Barbara Stallone is also listed by the Tribune as an accuser. I have not communicated with Ms. Stallone for years since her application was not renewed for Region Chair. My Communications Director has only met her once that he can recall, years ago, at a private breakfast hosted by Ms. Coleman.
Another alleged Tribune accuser is Ms. Laurie Stringham. This is very concerning due to the fact that any concerns Ms. Stringham had during her campaign, she discussed with me and I immediately addressed the issue. Ms. Stringham continued to work directly with our volunteers, especially the one she now accuses, through election day and in fact, months after her successful campaign. There are hundreds of emails and text messages available for review between Ms. Stringham and the volunteer she is now accusing. It is interesting to note that Ms. Stringham hired Ms. Abby Evans to be her personal assistant at the Salt Lake County Council; yes, the very Ms. Evans who, while working for Chairman Derek Brown and the Utah GOP, spent the General Election "undermining" our County Party Election efforts. Ms. Laurie Stringham won in the 2020 General Election while coordinating closely with our SLCo GOP volunteers.
I believe it is reasonable to ask what is the true motivation behind these salacious accusations? If each of them is so offended by one volunteer, why did they continue to utilize his work and expertise to win races? Why did they not bring their allegations to the County or State Executive Committees? Why have they not requested or supported a 3rd party investigation as we have? And, why would these Republican women take their salacious allegations to the Salt Lake Tribune to run through their liberal propaganda machine?
Are these persons and possibly their special interest backers attempting to embarrass and cancel me and our volunteers, the very team who won every race where the candidates followed our program at no financial cost to our candidates? Are most of the accuser's sore losers who failed to win their respective races? Is this an attempt to disrupt my efforts to become the Utah GOP Chairman? https://utahpolicy.com/index.php/features/featured-articles/26702-slco-gop-chairman-scott-miller-seeks-to-become-chair-of-the-utah-gop And, is this perhaps the work of "Republican" mega-donors who support Democratic candidates and certain establishment Republicans, who have an enormous financial interest in trying to prevent our questions regarding transparency, accountability, the spending of millions of dollars behind closed doors, and more?
They will not succeed. As your Utah GOP Chairman, I will use the same winning formula we used in Salt Lake County to win all across Utah. Rest assured, we will continue to ask questions and we will call out corruption and big government largesse wherever we find it. I will not be CANCELLED.
As always, I support transparency and accountability in government and in our Party. Unfortunately, it appears the accusers and their backers believe that by spreading salacious and false accusations through the Democrat's propaganda machine they can silence the voices raised against cronyism, corruption, secrecy, misappropriation of funds, and deception.
I place great value on our candidates and diverse volunteers who are entitled to express their personal opinions outside their County volunteer duties.
I am in the process of loading related documents to my website ChairmainMiller.com. Please check it regularly for updates. You can also visit my Facebook page at facebook.com/ChairmanMiller.
Scott Miller
SLCo GOP Chairman